Category Archives: bear talk !
Spring Bear Hunt returns to Ontario in Full Force May 2016
Not unexpected, but still a very sad practice and bad for bears and other species of wildlife in the spring. The Spring Bear Hunt will resume in full force in Ontario, beginning May 1, 2016. The spring hunt will end … Continue reading
Black Bear Cubs
Black bear cubs were born 2 to 6 weeks ago (January). This week we received a 20kg (44 pounds) bag of powdered formula, ready for new arrivals, cost $209.31. The bear cub pictured arrived March 6 2013, Velvet. Well over … Continue reading
Watch these bear cubs enjoy life!
A video 2 minutes 3 seconds.
Bears and You in Cottage Country – CTV News.
Click here: Bears and You in Cottage Country CTV’s Canada AM interviews Mike McIntosh of Bear With Us August 5 2015. Interview performed remotely using Facetime. Photo – Two young bears play. Photo credit – Mike McIntosh
Bears are near the top in intelligence…
The bear is a species near the top of the evolutionary scale, the highest evolved land mammal in the Americas, similar to the Apes being the highest evolved land mammal in Asia and Africa (Humans excluded).
Bear Truth – Is it fact or sensationalized hype?
Be Wise About Bears
Return of Spring bear Hunt – CBC Radio Interview – Sudbury
To hear radio interview, click on link below:
Why Bears Behave like Bears!
What’s with bears anyway? – with Dr Martyn Obbard Please watch, listen and learn. This man has spent much of his life learning from bears, the black bear and the polar bear. Dr. Martyn Obbard is a scientist employed by … Continue reading
Bears and Public Safety
The issue of public safety in reference to potential bear attacks has been blown way out of proportion by some of the media and supported by a small, very small vocal segment of residents and special interest groups across the … Continue reading
Bear Wise “was” an excellent initiative by the OMNR
Click link to read article: Human/ Bear Relations . Michael Commito is a PhD candidate in the history department at McMaster University.