Support Our Efforts: Thank You

Registered Canadian Charity #898978416RR0001

You may support the Bear With Us Centre for Bears by mailing a cheque or by donating online. We offer two options for donating online.

Via Mail

Bear With Us
3113, Hwy# 518W,
Sprucedale, ON
Canada P0A 1Y0

Donate via Canada Helps

Your tax receipt will be issued electronically. You have a choice of using your credit card or Paypal and it’s easy to do from anywhere in the world.
Donate Now Through!

Donate via PayPal

Paypal does not issue tax receipt. No tax receipt will be issued. If a tax receipt is a benefit please donate using the Canada Helps link. Thank you for your support.

The Bear With Us Centre for Bears IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Bears that arrive at Bear With Us must be returned to the wild. Because of this we cannot allow visitors to see any of the wild bears (cubs). The bears chance at wild survival has been our primary concern since the inception of Bear With Us. Thanks for understanding. We appreciate all of our Donors and Sponsors.

Meet our Board of Directors

For additional information about any Canadian Charity including Bear With Us Inc. go to this link which directs to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):